Peace Weaver
exhibit now open
July – Aug – Sept 2024
Introducing the PSYCHEDELIC TWILL to the world!
A Gallery Exhibit, of what makes this cloth unique.
Fiber artist and clothing designer, Peace Weaver has created a new tradition in hand weaving. Come to this exhibit, learn how this fabric is woven, with warp and weft, into twines and twills, combined with love, ancient tools and sacred geometry to form the PSYCHEDELIC TWILL.
Taylors Mill, Taylors, South Carolina
Second Presentation Night: coming in September
artist presentation and meet and greet
Printworks Building 3 Entrance
Exhibit located in the ‘MadSmash Mezanine’
on the second floor between Printworks Building 2 and Building 3
yes, there are steps… one flight up.
Come to the Show
Open to the Public
wed – thurs – fri
sat – sun
other times by appointment
easy way to find it: look for THE FARE HOUSE restaurant in Taylors SC
Park Near by and the STUDIO ENTRANCE is to the right of the FareHouse.
How to Find Taylors Mill, Taylors, SC
From DownTown Greenville South Carolina, go North to Wade Hampton Blvd.
Main Street in Taylors SC is located off of Wade Hampton Blvd. before you get to Greer, SC.
Mill Street is off of East Main Street in Taylors (one of two traffic lights in town)
Taylors Mill is located on Mill Street in Taylors SC at the end of Mill Street
Also Near the FareHouse, 13 Stripes, Pinky’s Revenge,
the Model Train Museum, the Mad Smash
and other fun places.
How to Arrange a Private Show for Groups
If the building is closed to the public, contact me to let you come in and see my exhibit.
If you have a school group or hobby group that wants to come to my show, please contact me ahead and we can schedule a presentation too.
Thank You For Your Interest
Opening Night
Presentation & Reception
Date: Friday Aug 2, 2024
Time: 6-9 pm
July - Aug - Sept
Gallery Open to Visitors
All Month: July-Aug – Sept
Daily: weekends and weekdays
Taylors Mill, South Carolina
Greenville / Taylors
Printworks Building 3 Entrance
The Psychedelic Twill
an original hand weaving technique …
… created by Peace Weaver one quiet, long winter in 1994 in a studio in Eugene Oregon. This is also the year she choose her ‘artist’ name as ‘Peace Weaver’. Since the age of 3, she loved playing with fibers, and weaving was her new fascination. After persistent studying and much trial and error, she found the right combination of color, pattern and structure to produce her signature textile technique, utilizing ancient weaving tools, now known as tablets or cards. Weaver combined these tools with design concepts inspired from sacred geometry and indigenous textiles, and some industry background as a professional colorist, too. Weaver took ‘the best of what was around’ and refined and developed a unique PRODUCTION WEAVING technique. A production technique is a craft that is cost-effective with time and materials, to bring products to market. The PSYCHEDELIC TWILL is fabric that is both beautiful and sellable. Peace Weaver is the author of the book defining the PSYCHEDELIC TWILL and she is enthusiastically excited to bring this cloth to life in her new studio, in Taylors Mill, just north of Greenville South Carolina.
THE PSYCHEDELIC TWILL is the first of its kind, using weaving “tablets”, or “card weaving”, tools. These ancient weaving tools were lost for hundreds of years, and recently re-discovered, it is a contribution to weaving, to develop this art and craft. The PSYCHEDELIC TWILL is a new weaving technique, and Peace Weaver is also the Worlds First PRODUCTION TABLET WEAVER!
The PSYCHEDELIC TWILL brings universal beauty into the world distinguished by its beautiful, fun, ever-changing patterns with sacred geometry and rainbow hues. No two pieces are alike, each as unique as the weaver. With every turn a new pattern is created. The artist, Peace Weaver, developed this from a need to find inner-peace. To practice this craft brings balance to the mind-body-spirit experience. Like any good meditation or flow activity, weaving is naturally healing to the post-industrial-worker, a right-livelyhood integration of mind and body, illuminating the sacred and timeless way of craft. To live in harmony within God’s Creation is the greatest reward.
Peace Weaver Artist
Artist and Author of
hand weaving technique.
book, exhibit, and lifestyle.

Fusing sacred geometry and a post-modern revival of ancient weaving techniques into mind-body-spirit-art.

Born in the Upstate of New York, Peace Weaver began making clothes at age 3. She learned along the way: knitting, sewing, beadwork, crochet, hand-spinning, tie-dye, batik, upcycling, basket making, bookmaking, and more. She studied Clothing Design and Textiles formally at Cornell University, and found her love of weaving and craft-as-lifestyle in Eugene, Oregon.
Developing her very own hand weaving technique, she combined tablet weaving tools and sacred geometry. Tablet Weaving, also called Card Weaving, was lost hundreds of years ago and recently re-discovered. Weaver is reviving this lost art with timeless beauty and mind-body peace.

Weaving Book
Author of the Psychedelic Twill, in it’s first publication this year. Sponsored thru a generous grant. Due out this September in the Book Release and Exhibit.

Gallery & Shop
See my work, look, enjoy and buy (soon). My portfilio is on-line. I sell direct to collectors and thru select galleries.
Contact Me Here
the form below is not yet working, so email is better till then
thank you for your interest in my work
peace lea weaver
Contact Me Here
the form below is not yet working, so email is better till then
thank you for your interest in my work
peace lea weaver